
日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #5: "Bad" Wine

This is the equivalent of a "Please pick up after your dog" sign in the U.S., except this one says "Please take your dog's poop home." I suppose even in the U.S., after you pick up your dog's poop, you would then take it home...

Right now I am more than tipsy (and feeling silly for it) because I am trying to finish off the bottle of wine I picked up in Yamanashi. Thank goodness I at least have delicious 焼きとうもろこしあられ to wash it down. Otherwise I'd have to eat lettuce or something.

My friends had warned me about "bad" (read: not to their tastes) wine in Japan, but I didn't think I'd fall prey to that phenomenon, too. In California you take three steps and you can't help but run into a decent (even good!), cheap bottle of wine, but apparently in Japan the wine is made to (surprise) Japanese tastes, which does not seem to suit my taste buds. Plus the other day when I had wine at Pastel, my glass of red wine came out positively refrigerated. Oh, come on, man...I do like a good glass of chilled white wine (even in winter), but even I like my red wine only slightly below room temperature when I do drink it...

So, until I find a decent bottle of wine at a reasonable price, I think I'm going to have to keep taking pictures of silly dog poop-related signs around town...


  1. gambare in that endeavor! i eventually gave up and fully embraced a whiskey habit.

    1. Ooooh, that may be the more interesting route to go. :)
